Simultaneous Translation Spanish English in Malaysia

Simultaneous interpreting SpanishEnglish has been carried out by us since 2001; the founder and director has been a conference interpreter SpanishEnglish since his University days and very active in the field of interpreting for over twenty seven years.

Although Spanish is not truly a globalized language, as it is spoken by nearly six hundred million (600 million) speakers but it has not gain the same level of acceptance as English or Arabic and continues to be spoken mainly by native speakers.
Interpreting Spanish in Malaysia was activity that actually gave place to the establishment of b-lingo.com as a company involved in simultaneous interpreting and translation. The need to take it up one level and professionalize the services of a young freelance Spanish interpreter based in Malaysia, back in March 2001. B-lingo.com has been providing interpreting services ever since.

Malaysia’s place in the scene among actors of the Global South and APEC has made the demand for Spanish interpreting services a constant in our work. To date, countless dignitaries, VIPs and corporate figures have engaged our interpreting services in Malaysia and Singapore to resolve their linguistic interpreting requirements Wether is G2G, B2G or B2B, European or LatAm Spanish, your needs are covered with us and our team of interpreters. “Traducción Simultánea “ is how some Spanish-speaking people mistakenly refer to our interpreting profession but we generally accept it as general public is seldom aware of the difference between translation and interpretation.


© Linda B Paris, 2022. All rights reserved.
