Translation Korean-English & English to Korean

Korean to English & English to Japanese translations are also processed either in-house, or with translators found mainly in Malaysia and Korea, in order to optimize the use of time Someone else in our pool of local editors and proofreaders would carry out the revision of the translated text before sending for a final check back to original translator, once duly revised, the translated text shall be released to the intended recipient.

Translations in Korean are no longer expected from text to text but from medium to medium; as a result, our translation services are not limited to those involved written text but also audio or video content that can be transcribed and translated into Korean or English, for subsequent translation, subtitling or voice-over work, with or without time-stamp.

Korean English translation and localization projects that are large or convoluted would always require the engagement of a Translation Project Manager that is able to coordinate workflow and consistency among the team members. The said project manager shall be retained by b-lingo at no extra cost, since none of our employees speaks or reads Korean well. One of our favourite Korean linguists and interpreters based in Seoul, Republic of South Korea, would handle such.


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